Simple facts about the market of #HeartSense

Human global population rises faster and faster. In some areas of our planet it is turning into overpopulation. Then, in this enormous cohort cardiovascular diseases are the first on the list  - cause of mortality. This is the result of atherosclerosis – destruction of our arteries – which is driven by risk factors and age. Unstoppable, unfortunately. The simple result is that the longer we live, and the larger is our population the more of us will need atherosclerosis treatment. That simple. So, the problem described in Inferno by Dan Brown now will touch medicine, #cardiology and #cardiacsurgery. Despite of progress in prevention, pharmacotherapy and transcatheter treatment of coronary arteries atherosclerosis the market for #CABG (surgical bypassing of atherosclerotic plaques in heart arteries) still grows. We have analyzed these facts deeply. Heart Sense is being created to support #OPCAB (off-pump CABG) because in the future we will need better and better results of CABG.